Entries from September 2005 ↓


One of these is my coffee scoop, the other my laundry powder scoop. Isn’t that wild? I suppose it’s slightly off-topic, but Linnaea does produce a lot of laundry, and this stuff actually reduces the flammability of children’s sleepwear. I’m so tickled with it, I feel compelled to tell the whole world. Go to the Charlie’s Soap website. I could go on and on (just ask my mom), but the website does a better job than I would.

Vanilla-Scented Vinyl

Man. Does anybody else remember that scent? Linnaea got a new doll yesterday, and its face is made out of vinyl, imbued with the scent of vanilla. As is the magical ability of scent, it took me directly back to my childhood. I must have had at least one toy that smelled the exact same way. Mmmm. Linnaea seemed to like it, too, as she immediately grabbed the doll and slobbered all over its face.

Aside: She rather resembles a showy lady’s slipper, doesn’t she?

Aforementioned Video

Alright, folks, try this:


I had to shrink the file size pretty dramatically, so the video quality suffered, and it’s still over 6 megs. Also, Pater will never let me get away with omitting this tidbit, so I won’t even try: the music that starts about halfway through the clip is from one of Linnaea’s toys. You hear it not because she’s playing with said toy, but because I’m sitting in the chair behind the camera, pushing buttons and giggling maniacally.

[EDIT: Thanks to Big Daddy & Counting_Blessings for the cube!]


So she rolled over just now. She was lying on her back on her playmat, kicking at the toys while I worked on the computer. I heard a whimper and looked over to see her face-down, halfway off the mat, and not happy about it. “Tummy time” hasn’t ever been her thing, really. She just wants to shoot her arms straight out sideways and flail around. As this accomplishes nothing, she gets pretty agitated pretty quickly. If I put her arms in front of her or tuck them under her chest, she’s content until she decides that flapping them like birds’ wings would work better (see step 1). We shall have to work on this.


I just received the call from the field with the current growth stats. They are as follows:

12 1/2 week check-up
Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.25 cm (50th percentile)
Length: 25 in (97th percentile)

A log of previous analysis can be found by following the “Linnaea’s Album” link at the right.

One observes that the subject has increased in length by approximately 20% since birth, and increased her mass by roughly 50%. Cuteness continues to increase dramatically at an exponential rate with no limit within the range of extrapolation. Aluminum foil hats are extremely recommended for the safety of those within range of the subject, but it remains unclear if even such stout armor will provide any appreciable protection. Awaiting a new prototype from Florida for additional testing.