
Towards the end of our time in Minnesota, Linnaea figured out how to stick out her tongue. She only spent a couple of days on this new trick before combining it with her newfound ability to bring things to her mouth for exploration. She doesn’t quite have the hang of grabbing things yet, but if you place an object in her hand, she’ll usually bring it straight up to her mouth and feel around for a bit. She’s also able to hang on to things for quite a while. A couple of days ago, she held her rattle for about half an hour, during which time I changed her diaper and carried her around a bit.

Coming soon: pics & video (oooooh) of the above.

Also: I’ve posted an email address in the sidebar (incidentally, new links periodically show up there as well). We’ll be keeping relevant email sent to bubblesplat@gmail.com for Linnaea (and whomever else we may wind up writing about here) to read someday, but feel free to send other correspondence or feedback you’d rather not post as a blog comment.