Entries from September 2005 ↓

Sweet, Sweet Sleep

The growth spurt is finished! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!

In other news, Linnaea has a checkup (with shots!) today. Stats forthcoming.

Words cannot describe it.

That’s an odd title for a blog post.

It’s true, though. We look at her in her crib, curled, knees up at her tummy, sucking her thumb in her sleep, and something in our chests swells. Now we get it. We get our parents. We get their joy and we get their pain. We get what an easy decision it would be to die for our child. We get that it wouldn’t even be a decision.

We get what must be a glimmer of our Father’s love.


Towards the end of our time in Minnesota, Linnaea figured out how to stick out her tongue. She only spent a couple of days on this new trick before combining it with her newfound ability to bring things to her mouth for exploration. She doesn’t quite have the hang of grabbing things yet, but if you place an object in her hand, she’ll usually bring it straight up to her mouth and feel around for a bit. She’s also able to hang on to things for quite a while. A couple of days ago, she held her rattle for about half an hour, during which time I changed her diaper and carried her around a bit.

Coming soon: pics & video (oooooh) of the above.

Also: I’ve posted an email address in the sidebar (incidentally, new links periodically show up there as well). We’ll be keeping relevant email sent to bubblesplat@gmail.com for Linnaea (and whomever else we may wind up writing about here) to read someday, but feel free to send other correspondence or feedback you’d rather not post as a blog comment.


What a happy mother I am. Linnaea’s first encounter with football: watching the Chiefs trample the Jets. Life is good.

Like a Weed

It’s growth spurt time! Linnaea’s been demanding food every three hours or so, around the clock for the last day or so, and the food supply is playing catch-up. Many, many diapers and a tired mother result. I count it a blessing that this started after we got home from vacation!