
Since the last time I posted anything decent, Linnaea has…

…gotten a high chair (she looks so tiny in it):

…and a winter suit:

…and propped herself up on her elbows:


#1 Nana on 10.19.05 at 3:24 pm

OOOOH that’s adorable: Her Cuteness in the highchair, the bear that swallowed Linnaea (I think that might be a good fairy tale), and the peek into her world through her eyes. Thank you for the photos! ooooh!!

#2 Counting_Blessings on 10.19.05 at 7:54 pm

Oh my gosh, what AWESOME pictures!! I love her expression in the mirror, checking out the “baby” in the reflection. Beautiful, just beautiful!!

Double zips on the winter suit, nice….

#3 Jenn on 10.20.05 at 8:43 pm

That winter suit is TOO CUTE. Makes my heart hurt, it is so cute! Squee!!!