Baby da Vinci

Linnaea watched (sporadically) her first Baby Einstein video the other day. I picked Baby da Vinci because we’ve had a lot of fun looking at pictures of babies on the computer–faces really get her attention. Watching her watch the video was pretty entertaining. When something interesting came on, she’d get all excited and reach for the screen. Her favorites were the wooden toys (see HABA link in the sidebar). Highly entertaining.

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#1 Big Daddy on 11.15.05 at 6:48 pm

Lil’Daddy loved his Einstein videos when he was Linnaea’s age. We affectionately refered to them as ‘Kiddy crack’! There were parts of videos that he would smile or laugh at everytime it played. As he got older, the videos definately exposed him to greater vocabulary. On a few occasions I remember thinking, ‘Where did he learn that? Oh, that’s right… That was on one of his videos!’