>_< This biting thing is getting old fast. How does a nice bowl of mashed peas sound? Yum!
OW! Don’t DO that!
January 11th, 2006 | mater | Uncategorized |
January 11th, 2006 | mater | Uncategorized |
>_< This biting thing is getting old fast. How does a nice bowl of mashed peas sound? Yum!
She liked the sweet potatos…
Sweet potatoes, yum! Did you try avacado? Sweet pots and avacado were John’s early favorites.
Mater, if you find a cure for the biting, can ya let me know? John still gets my shoulders, cheeks, hands, arms, etc, etc, ETC !!
So far she’s just had carrots and sweet potatoes. The carrots, well, you know how *that* went. We’ll try those again in a little while. The sweet potatoes were a big hit, though. Just wait until she tries her grandma’s, with the marshmallows on top… Mmm…