OW! Don’t DO that!

>_< This biting thing is getting old fast. How does a nice bowl of mashed peas sound? Yum!


#1 Pater on 01.11.06 at 2:56 pm

She liked the sweet potatos…

#2 Counting_Blessings on 01.11.06 at 8:48 pm

Sweet potatoes, yum! Did you try avacado? Sweet pots and avacado were John’s early favorites.

Mater, if you find a cure for the biting, can ya let me know? John still gets my shoulders, cheeks, hands, arms, etc, etc, ETC !!


#3 Mater on 01.11.06 at 8:56 pm

So far she’s just had carrots and sweet potatoes. The carrots, well, you know how *that* went. We’ll try those again in a little while. The sweet potatoes were a big hit, though. Just wait until she tries her grandma’s, with the marshmallows on top… Mmm…