Entries from February 2006 ↓
The Current Dental Situation
February 4th, 2006 | mater | Uncategorized
Incredibly cute, but petulant
February 1st, 2006 | pater | Uncategorized
Allow me to take a moment to share an entertaining tale. Well, entertaining perhaps for those who are not equipped to nurse their children. Of course, it certainly isn’t entertaining for those not equipped to nurse who are spouses of those who are so equipped.
Linnaea now has three teeth. None of the three are in direct opposition with one another – middle two on the bottom, but the one on the top is to the right of middle. (Incidentally, we think the next arrival will be on the bottom left.) While this arrangement is less dangerous than if her teeth were opposed, it doesn’t lessen the pain of a bite, especially when said bite is delivered to the aforementioned nursing equipment. As Linnaea has reached an age where we feel she can start learning consequences, we are trying to stop bad behavior, such as the grabbing mentioned in my last post, before it becomes ingrained. We are, after all, the parents. It is our will that is supreme. (As it always has been, but don’t tell our parents that. The illusion is healthy for them.) So, when she bites while nursing, which usually happens towards the end of a feeding anyway, the equipment is taken away. She has started to catch on.
Sometimes she gets distracted while nursing by other more exciting stimuli that might be happening around her. Ceiling fans, Aki, (any of the animals for that matter,) and sometimes even myself serve to be such distractions. Last night Linnaea was tired. It was getting close to bedtime. But she hadn’t eaten in a while, and hunger has a way of interfering with sleep. So, as is their custom, Mater nursed Linnaea. Linnaea, however, wasn’t very interested in the food and kept getting distracted by the ceiling fan, Aki, and myself. As this distraction is a regular occurrence, Mater has grown accustomed to reminding Linnaea of the task at hand, and getting her back on track. Last night however, Linnaea decided she didn’t want to be harassed about finishing a meal in which she wasn’t really interested in the first place. So, she looked up at Mater, turned to the side, bit her, then looked back up. The message was clear, Linnaea had learned that she can tell Mater she’s finished eating by biting her.
And the fun of parenting begins! (Either that or weaning in earnest…)