Nine Months and Counting…

A couple of weeks ago, Linnaea passed the nine month mark. In celebration, she was once more whisked away to the doctor, where she was poked, prodded, and other such festive things. The resulting statistical analysis? She’s long.

Length (or height, now that she is standing) – 29″ (roughly 90th percentile)
Head Circumference – 44 3/4 cm (roughly 50th percentile)
Weight – 17 lbs. 6 oz. (roughly 20th percentile)

Last week, she also got to attend her first funeral. Not something that she should have had to experience, but I do think that her presence was a blessing to many in attendance, especially for her parents. Currently we’re trying to get back on a normal schedule.

Easter is fast upon us, and we pray for God’s blessings on each of you.

(For those who have been requesting more pictures, we’re working on formatting some movies we’ve been taking. Hopefully those will be up soon.)