FINALLY, Some Pictures!

Image dump (date range 8/23/06-11/24/06):


#1 Big Daddy on 12.05.06 at 8:18 am

Beautiful pictures! The outside pictures are especially cute but my question is… …Who gavbe her the marker mustache in the drawing picture!!!

#2 Uncle Andy on 12.05.06 at 11:33 am

I gave her the marker moustache! It is all part of a plan to get payback for the time her Grandfather…yes… the old coot living out his miserable existence in Kansas…anyway, the time the old Cootster tried his hand at facial art with a permanent marker on “yours truly”.

Yay…a pox upon him and the fruit of his meager loin.


#3 Counting_Blessings on 12.11.06 at 7:52 pm

Oh no, where did your baby go?

What a beautiful big girl Linnaea is !!!