
Since Mater finally broke the radio silence with the Memorial Day Pool Party Pic (below this post), and my work load has slowed enough that I can actually take a lunch today, I thought I would try to dump some pictures of the kiddo here for everyone’s enjoyment. My how she has grown since January…

30 January 2007
“I want this one, and this one, and this one too…” The HABA toy catalog was her favorite book for months. Kept loosing pages though… We actually ordered her another as a replacement.

15 February 2007
Um, no you may not do burlesque when you grow up.

24 February 2007
Yup, definitely likes to read.

24 February 2007
Dancing with her new video.

25 February 2007
Reading to Baby in her bathtu… er, boat.

3 March 2007
Sometimes she likes to take me for walks.

4 March 2007
How cute (and snotty) is this? The dog food bowl is the latest in fashion accessories.

4 March 2007
Just hanging out with Baby on the couch.

17 March 2007
We had to wait until St. Patrick’s Day, but we finally got to use that snowsuit we ordered in September!

30 March 2007
What is that on your head? I think it’s trying to eat your brain!

8 April 2007
Happy Easter! Expectant Happy Dance

8 April 2007
Eating Chocolate Happy Dance

8 April 2007
She’s feeding the Peep a Jelly Bean. We had a tough time convincing her that she could eat the Peeps.

8 April 2007
Mmmm, what else…?

8 April 2007
Hunting Easter Eggs at Great Aunt Karen’s.

22 April 2007
Bonding with Crazy Uncle Ted.

23 April 2007
Go Royals!

23 April 2007
Going to Wichita.

23 April 2007

25 April 2007
She’s not always cute.

25 April 2007
Meeting her cousins. (There was so much energy in that room, between the five kids (never mind the “adults”) that I couldn’t ever get them all in one picture.)

26 April 2007
We’re riding the tram in the Detroit airport. Being the astute person that she is, Linnaea realized that she should hold on while the tram was in motion.

14 May 2007
No, you did not come from Ikea.

23 May 2007
Bye bye! =)


#1 Jennifer on 06.14.07 at 11:52 am

Oh my goodness! WHAT a little lady these days! She’s beautiful!

Let us know next time you’re in KS! We are in Overland Park!

#2 Big_Daddy on 07.12.07 at 11:10 pm

kheeeehk! ello big buddys, you got your ears on? Over. KheeeehK!
KheeeeehK! hope everythings going alright. Over and out. KheeeeehK!