Battle One Won

That’s right, folks: poop in the toilet. It’s an exciting day over here.

Thank you, mysteriously effective potty book!

Once Upon a Potty


#1 Big Daddy on 10.27.07 at 5:53 pm

Nice… Hooray! :thumbsup:

Maybe that’s the book we should have got!

#2 Big Daddy on 10.27.07 at 8:58 pm

I just thought about it. Battle One? One of how many? Is this really the FIRST battle. Maybe it should be named Battle #2 with no reference to chronological order!

– I couldn’t help myself!

#3 Grandpa Stan Webster on 11.01.07 at 4:29 pm

Congratulations! I know your Grandpa’s and Grandma’s are proud of you! You will be a big example for your “new brother or sister”! Love, Pastor Stan