Entries Tagged 'Books' ↓



The Wind in the Willows


Help me, David Allen; you’re my only hope!

[Disclaimer: post title not strictly accurate.  I am a Christian, after all.]

I’m getting ready to jump into GTD again, listening to the audiobook as I change a diaper. Meatwad and Boober are playing unsupervised in Meatwad’s room for the first time; I hope nobody winds up with a cracked head.

So I guess we’re a school now!

I just ordered kindergarten handwriting materials.  On the shipping page, I listed our company as “Saints Basil & Emilia School.”  I’m already planning to order Michael Sull‘s American Cursive Handwriting when the student edition becomes available.  Meatwad loves the Kumon workbooks, and we’re working through The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading.  I told Pater I have visions of school sweatshirts, a website…  (What?  I never get carried away!  Why do you ask?)

Saints Basil the Elder and Emilia, pray for us!

Zaner-Bloser Handwriting

Battle One Won

That’s right, folks: poop in the toilet. It’s an exciting day over here.

Thank you, mysteriously effective potty book!

Once Upon a Potty