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This One’s for You, Nana

(Photo taken Christmas Eve, 2005)

Now quit bugging me! ;)


Man, that thing looks comfy, eh? I practiced fiddling with it in the house before I installed it in the car, and Linnaea seemed to like it quite a bit. Add to that aspect its high safety rating from Consumer Reports, and I think it’ll do…


She’s outgrown her infant car seat. I’m going to miss it. The convenience of being able to bring the car seat inside whilst leaving the base securely buckled into the car has been awesome. Waaaaaahh!

(We’ve got a picture up of her very first car ride–check out the “Linnaea’s Album” link in the sidebar to see it. So tiny!)

Clack Clack Click Clack Click Clack Clack

Using her Christmas money from Gram, we ordered a ballino for Linnaea. It arrived today. She likes it. I love it. It makes the very best “clack” sound ever. It’s about the size of a baseball, so it fits in one (adult) hand quite well. It’s made of wood pieces strung together on two taut elastic cords. Between each of the disks is a bead the diameter of which is slightly less greater than the diameter of the holes in the disks. The result of all this is that the disks move freely but stay where you put them. It’s lovely.

I’m curious to see how long Pater will let me keep it after he gets home. The clacking is probably not so satisfying if someone else is doing it. Moreover, I tend to be easily entertained, which means I could play with this thing forever. Oh, and it’s not my toy…

OW! Don’t DO that!

>_< This biting thing is getting old fast. How does a nice bowl of mashed peas sound? Yum!